DC-CI Mailing List

We use a group email list server (sometimes called a listserve) for Sunday jam coordination and incidental communication. The mailing list is self-service - please subscribe by filling out the subscription form↗︎ to receive emails about venue changes, group discussions, special events, and so on. Subscriptions are moderated, so you may receive an email before your subscription is activated if the administrator doesn't recognize your name, asking you to indicate the nature of your interest in the group.

All members can post to the list. We ask that conversation be around what people subscribed for: CI and jam-related topics. Some subjects like community-relevant events or jammer's exceptional life events may be appropriate, but please be sparing about incidental posting so it's not a pain for anyone to stay subscribed. See below for more specific posting guidelines.

Please contact the list maintainer with questions, suggestions, and other feedback.



